Tag Archives : guide

CS-Cart: SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid

Feb 28, 2018 Gomby SEO guide, seo

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital to any successful campaign. Therefore it should be implemented in the right manner. SEO itself is quite intricate for numerous reasons, but mainly because Google uses an algorithm, which takes several factors into account when ranking a webpage, and they keep changing it.

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CS-Cart: Believing These Myths About Duplicate Content will Keep Your Business From Growing

Sep 28, 2017 Gomby SEO guide, seo
You run a website and you are worried about duplicate content. Hey, everyone is. The rules are pretty clearly written in Google’s policy on the matter, yet the way those rules are enforced isn’t. No one is ever quite sure how far those guidelines go and how exactly the system for rule breaking is run.
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CS-Cart SEO: How to Acquire Higher Quality Backlinks

Apr 27, 2017 Gomby SEO guide, seo

Google stated that there are three top factors that go into their search ranking algorithm: RankBrain, their artificial intelligence system, content and links. They also then clarified that the top two factors were content and links. Not trying to put words in Google’s mouth, but I would venture to say that links are the most important and powerful part of SEO.

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CS-Cart: The definitive guide to Search and Social Meta Tags

Jan 4, 2017 Gomby SEO guide, seo, social media

A complete introduction to all the meta tags a webmaster may need when creating or optimising a webpage for SEO.
Everything will be covered here, including: Title Tag, Meta Description, Alt-Text for images, Canonical Tag, Noindex, Nofollow, H1 – H6 tags, Robots Meta Tag and the Social Meta Tags.

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CS-Cart: Ultimate Guide To Web Optimization

Feb 24, 2016 Gomby SEO guide, seo
Web optimization is a vital part of web development and maintenance but also something often overlooked by webmasters. Just think of the money you can save, and how it can potentially help increase your readership and traffic when they are properly done. If you have not done any optimization to your website (or blog) so far or merely curious how it can help speed up your site, please take a look at this list of optimization tips we’ve put together.
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CS-Cart: Google is favoring MOBILE-FRIENDLY sites

Apr 30, 2015 Gomby SEO guide, seo

Is your website mobile-friendly? If not, don't be surprised if its ranking plummets on Google search results.

"Mobilegeddon" is here, and websites that aren't mobile-friendly will suffer from the latest Google apocalypse. The search giant is officially updating its algorithms on April 21 to favor websites that look and perform better on mobile devices, making them appear higher on search results.

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CS-Cart: Google Webmaster SEO Guidelines For Beginners

Mar 2, 2015 Gomby SEO guide, seo
After launching a new site online it can be a hassle dealing with marketing efforts and the typical SEO practices but just creating a Sitemap is not always going to be enough to see quick results. If you want Google to crawl through your website there are a number of ideas you should understand. Many of the ideas may seem like common sense but keep each of these steps in mind after launching a new project online.
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CS-Cart Beginner’s Guide to SEO: Best Practices 3/3

Sep 10, 2014 Gomby SEO guide, seo

Now it’s time to look at link building, which as much as anything will determine where your pages rank for different queries.

We’ll also take a look at analytics so you can understand how your SEO efforts have been working and gain insights into how to improve them. Unless you’re measuring results you’re basically throwing things into the wind and hoping they land where you want. Analytics will let us know which way the wind is blowing and point us to jet streams to so our SEO lands where we want.

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CS-Cart Beginner’s Guide to SEO: Best Practices 2/3

Aug 4, 2014 Gomby SEO guide, seo

As a quick reminder it’s best to think of SEO as part of your marketing. Sometimes it will make sense to do something that doesn’t help your SEO efforts and perhaps even hurts them a bit, because it helps your overall marketing. You don’t want to get lost in the details.

Also keep in mind that the keywords you target set the stage for everything else. Pages don’t just rank. They rank for specific queries or keyword phrases. Your choice in keywords should be focused on what ultimately provides the most benefit for your business. Targeting a word like “free” may bring lots of traffic, but that traffic won’t be looking to spend any money.

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CS-Cart Beginner’s Guide to SEO: Best Practices 1/3

Jun 9, 2014 Gomby SEO guide, seo
Search engine optimization is a complex subject , especially when you consider all the information and misinformation readily available online. Unfortunately it’s often hard to tell which is which. Does the latest tactic you’re reading about work? Does it work for all sites? Only some sites? Or is just another crackpot theory that sounds reasonable, but will never help to improve search traffic to your site? Let’s face it SEO can become very confusing. The good news is it doesn’t have to be. The basics of SEO are actually quite easy to understand and if you give yourself a good foundation in learning search engine optimization you’ll be able to sort fact from fiction much more easily and you’ll have the tools to delve into more advanced SEO...
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